Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blogging for money??

A few people have asked this question (my DH being the first).  NO!  That's not my intentions.  I have heard (read) that it is possible and many people do attempt this.  The purpose of my blogs are explained on my home page but I could talk more about it.

Yes it would be wonderful to receive compensation for Blogging, for something I enjoy, but I wouldn't know the first thing about doing that.  The main purpose of this is to share with family and friends, and anyone else who may find something that is somewhat entertaining to them on here.  Sharing my thoughts, my feelings, my adventures, basically my story, past present and future. 

No, these things aren't that appealing to enough people in the world to even consider this being a way to earn an income.  What I do hope to accomplish is maybe someone will end up with a smile on their face after reading some post, or walk away with a new dinner recipe that I've posted, or found out some information they've been wanting to know that I've shared.

But also I hope to walk away with knowledge now and then myself.  People can leave me and my readers comments sharing tips, tricks, stories, what ever it may be.  I'd love to hear (read) what others are willing to share with me, brighten my day if you've seen on a post somewhere indicating I'm having a bad one (that will be happening often, lol!).  This is just another addiction, for the time being, until something else comes along and "tickles my fancy".

So to answer the question again, no I won't be making money from my blogs, I will however, eventually, be making something much more valuable.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Yes, my latest addiction, it Blogspot.  There's still more to learn, change, tweak, and what not.  With the net and all thats in it evolving daily (not always for the better) I'll never be completely "done" with this.  But that's ok.  And soon my "addiction" will dwindle to a mere "management".

It's fun though, it gives me a sense of accomplishment.  My DH (dear husband) asked me "will you make money from this?".  My response... uhhhh no!  "Will you provide people a useful service from this?".  Again....... ummm no!  "Then whats the use of it?".  Well, it's my outlet, a way to share so many things with my friends and family.  Yeah I know theres facebook (thats a totally different addiction topic btw), and other means, but this is mine.  Yeah ok so I didn't completely "design" this whole thing, with the use of templates and pre-recorded codes I got most of this done very easily.  It's still mine, I put all that stuff to use in a sense to get the outcome I wanted... blah blah blah (he shakes his head laughing at me as he walks away).  Go figure, he IS the one that asked LOL!

I see his point though.  I've been working on this a couple of days now, and I probably should take a break (from the tweaking part at least, not the blogging).  I find that when I start something new, I bury myself in it if I'm enjoying it.  And when I see a sense of accomplishment it pushes me to go further.. and further.. oh wait that's the definition of addiction right? 

To sum it up... Blogspot ROCKS!! at least at the present time.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The internet

Wow, thinking of this brings in so many "sub-categories", speaking of which I now need to learn how to do those to make navigation..... uh... sorry I'm floating off topic. LOL.

So as you can probably tell at the moment my addiction is... Blogging... more specific blogspot.  Why am I telling you this? Because if you ever go read up on my "rants"  I'm about to post one in there right now!!! LOL!  ( yep you can click here to read my rant)

But uh yeah, just seeing the name of this blog makes me think, how easily I become focused on one thing, then I don't want to stop (it is now 2 am and I'm still on blogspot).  It's addicting, well, to me anyway. 

Just wait 'til I start posting about some of my other addictions, I guaratee you'll be reading this blog and just shaking your head so hard (probably laughing too) you'll think your head is gonna fall off.